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When registering, please refer to the following guideline to enroll in the appropriate level (this applies ONLY to Newmarket Winter House League):

● Level 1: Ideal for players with limited to no volleyball experience.
● Level 2: Designed for players who meet at least one of the following criteria:

        ○ Have played on a school volleyball team; OR
        ○ Have completed at least two full seasons in the Caspian House League program.

Note: Given that each of our programs are designed for the specific age and skill level; players registered in programs outside their skill level will be reassigned to a suitable session based on their age. This policy ensures all participants receive the support they need to succeed.


Registration opens on Sunday, December 1st at 4:00 PM. You can visit the 'Registration' page with the following link.

​​​​​All participants must be registered in the OVA’s Member Registration System (MRS) as a 'General Recreational player' once per year

(Sept 1-Aug 31st)

​​​If the class you are interested in is full by the time you are registering, you can fill out the following waitlist form and will be notified if a spot becomes available.





Hope to see you on the court!

Refund Policy:
Within 1 week prior to start of program ~ 10% registration fee
Within 2 weeks after the start of the program ~ 50% registration fee
After 2 weeks of the start of the program ~ No refund

All programs will run regardless of the weather with the exception of permit cancelations by the school board.

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